"L'unica cosa che ci ha insegnato qualcosa
sono le nostre sofferenze"
Conversation with Alessandro Vantini
// Il regista e attore Alessandro Vantini parla del suo lavoro sulla tragedia greca e del suo lungometraggio Mèden àgan, nothing beyond measure, adattazione del'Antigone di Sofocle.
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Medèn àgan
A woman and two men. It’s night time.
They cut the chain off the gate at the entrance of the theatre, they set the scene with the few objects they have brought with them, among which a camera.
They have the task of “celebrating” a tragic ritual.
The tragedy is Antigone by Sophocles: the conflict between human and divine laws, the condition of women, the arrogance of power, the incapacity of reconciling one’s own reasons with the reasons of another and mutual respect.
The rite of cinema, the rite of tragedy and the rite of theatre witness all processes of inner transformation in which every human being has his leading role to play and is actively responsible for, seeking the comprehension of a level of reality even more real than visible reality.
Italiano (audio), english (subtitles)